Tuesday, January 8, 2008

वहत इस हेयर लॉस ???

If you are wondering to know about the causes of Hair loss, this article may be for you. Here you will get to know what hairloss is, some of the common causes of hair loss, what ways in which this may occur, and how common it is.

What is hair loss?

It is quite normal for one to loose upto 60-100 hairs each day while showering or brushing one's hair. When scalp hairs begin to thin and when more hair is lost in the normal shedding process than the recreation of hair, this is hair loss, and is something happens to many people, both men and women, as they grow older in years.

How is this hair loss caused?

There are a number of factors that may determine why you are experiencing hair fall. One of the main factors genetical factor. Usually, the real cause of hair loss is hereditary. If your father experienced hair loss, and his father experienced the same, chances are that you could end up experiencing it as well. Other common reasons that may be causes of hair loss loss for you are thyroid problems, childbirth, a protein or iron deficiency, and cancer treatments. Certain medications have also been connected to thinning of hair, in both , men and women.

What ways is hair lost?

There are two ways in which hair is lost. The first way is known as patchy hair loss, in which hair is lost in some well defined and evident areas. The rest of the scalp will have a good amount of hair which it does not lose. If you notice certain areas in which your head appears to be balding, or your hair seems to be thinning, chances are that you are experiencing patchy hair loss - the cause of which is generally not pattern baldness or genetics related. The second way which in which you hair may be lost is generalized hair loss. This is when there is a complete thinning of the entire scalp. There will be absolutely no areas that appear to be experiencing normal hair growth. If your entire head seems to be losing hair, with no patches of normal growth, then your scalp is most likely experiencing generalized hair loss, caused by a temporary situation.

How common is hair loss?

Unfortunately, it is probably more common than you think. About two out of every three men experience complete pattern balding as they get older. Since a major cause of most hair loss is the attack of hair follicles by DHT over age, it makes sense that people would begin losing more hair on average after the age of 30. An even higher percentage of men and women experience some type of hair loss at some point during their lives. If you feel embarrassed because you are losing hair, this is not necessary. There are more people out there who experience hair loss than those who do not.